Dr Johanna Ward

Dermal Fillers

Full face transformation results

Dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid and are fantastic tools for volumising sagging tissue, improving contours, lifting sagging jowls and improving fine lines and wrinkles. They can literally give full face transformation results with minimal down time and minimal discomfort.

Dr Ward is known for her full face dermal filler transformations and is sought out by people all over the world looking for a natural and soft transformation.

Fillers are made of varying concentrations of hyaluronic acid. Different products are placed in different parts of the face depending on the tissue needs. Fillers can help to support tissue in areas where bony resorption is taking place at an accelerated pace such as the temples and mandible. They can replace fat loss in important, structurally supportive parts of the face like the cheeks, and they can help lift back sagging tissue to help support an ageing jawline and jowls. They can also be used softly into the lips to restore hydration and give some natural lip support in a very subtle way.

treatment gallery

Before and after

At a glance

Areas to treat Temples, Cheeks, Lips, Jawline, Jowls, Tear Troughs, Noses, Hands
Time to treat 15-30 minutes
Downtime Often no downtime but sometimes swelling & bruising occurs for a few days. 
Results Transformative. Most people need at least 1 syringe offiller per decade of life for full face lifting, transforming and volumizing. Small localised areas normally require 1-2 syringes.
Repeat Every 12-18 months
Cost On consultation
Practitioner Doctor administered

“This was my first time having dermal fillers. Dr Johanna Ward talked me through the treatment explaining everything she was doing and made me feel totally at ease. I found the whole experience truly amazing and it has been life transforming as my confidence in how I look has increased. I would highly recommend!”

Louise Pike

“Dr Jo was incredible listening to my concerns. She suggested some small tweaks to various areas without putting much filler in. If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t know so to speak! She was brilliant talking me through after care and how to look after my skin for the next year to maintain it, and the filler.”


“My face looks lifted and very natural. The compliments I have received from friends and family have been how well I look, had I been away? Most of all my confidence is back and I feel like me again! I felt in safe hands with Jo and I can’t recommend enough!”



Make an enquiry

To enquire about Dr Ward, please email info@drjohannaward.co.uk or to book a consultation at Dr Ward's Wimpole Street clinic please click on the button below.