Dr Johanna Ward

Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation Treatment with Medical Grade Skincare

Hyperpigmentation can result in the skin looking prematurely aged. Uneven skin tone and excess pigmentation can be effectively treated with prescription skin creams using Hydroquinone and Tretinoin that reduce excess pigmentation. They do this by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, the enzyme needed to make melanin.

Your treatment program will depend on the extent and distribution of your pigmentation. Most programs take 6-12 weeks to complete. Before and After photographs will be taken to monitor your progress.

treatment gallery

Before and after

At a glance

Areas to treat Any
Time to treat 6-12 weeks
Downtime Redness, dryness and possible skin flaking
Results Even skin tone and improved skin health
Repeat Every 12-18 months
Cost On consultation
Practitioner Doctor administered

“I have been coming to Dr Ward got several years now for various aesthetic treatments and can honestly say, I have walked out of the clinic every time so pleased with the results! Very professional and great customer service, always feel welcomed and well looked after – highly recommended!”


“I have been visiting Dr Jo in clinic now for over a decade and I can honestly say I have never felt better about my skin.”


“I have been coming to Dr Ward for several years for a range of treatments and would never go anywhere else. Her knowledge and expertise are world class and she is totally focused on helping her clients achieve the best results possible.”



Make an enquiry

To enquire about Dr Ward or book a consultation, please email info@drjohannaward.co.uk or fill in a contact form by clicking the button below.